Welcome to Virginia Tech: Trey Kerr
Written by Trey Kerr.
The first time I realized that I was officially a college student--I remember it like it was just yesterday. I was swiping into my residence hall for the first time and then watching as my parents drove away. I’ll be completely honest--I was a little scared. The campus seemed so big and I didn’t know what I wanted to do or who I was at the time. Had I known that I would find a home, find a family, and find out what I am fully capable of at this place, my nerves would have definitely been a lot better off.
At times, it can be really hard figuring out things about yourself and what your strengths are as an individual. At Tech, you could be a part of the new class of Hokie Camp Leaders that welcomes in new students. You could hold an executive position in Student Government. You even can just enjoy the outdoors and hang your ENO hammock on the Drillfield. No matter where you are on campus, the people in this community are carrying out Ut Prosim.
For some people, their passions gravitate right to them because they just have a way of finding what they love. For some it may not come immediately, and to me that came as a shock because I didn’t find them as quickly as I had hoped. One piece of advice: Don’t see this as a negative thing. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to explore even more of the extensive world of Virginia Tech. I promise you it will surprise you if you put yourself out there.
Honestly, the times at this university that were my absolute favorite were the ones where I was out of my usual comfort zone. Before college, I DESPISED public speaking or anything that involved being in front of big groups of people at once. Who knew that I would end up bringing in about 200 freshman and getting them acclimated to Virginia Tech as an Orientation Leader. Yes, I was one of the ones you heard at Orientation screaming and cheering for you at 6 a.m. just because I truly love this school. Had I not stepped out of my comfort zone, I could’ve missed an experience that shaped me as an individual and utilized my full potential.
If there’s something you’ve thought about trying, just do it. Go to Gobblerfest and pick up any flyer from any group that you maybe even considered, because you may find your place. If there’s one thing that I regret about my time at Virginia Tech, it would be that I wish I had tried literally EVERYTHING possible. There’s even a club for Chocolate Milk and one for Nicholas Cage, so I guarantee if there’s something you enjoy, then someone else here does, too.