Zack Feldman

From the time Zack Feldman heard from his first-grade teacher that there is no such thing as a stupid question, he was off to the races.
Today, beneath Zack’s many “why”s are questions of heartfelt concern and passion for the student experience. He strives to learn more about processes so that they can be improved upon or shared more effectively for broader understanding.
Zack has exhibited this excellence in leadership through a crucial student leadership role as the Vice President of Health and Safety for the Interfraternity Council (or IFC) of Virginia Tech. This role is vital to ensuring teamwork between the town and the fraternities belonging to the IFC. He helped organize the annual Adopt-a-Cop program that connects fraternities and a chapter-specific officer from the Blacksburg Police Department.
He worked to ensure that IFC received excellent health and safety training such as NARCAN Revive! training and tailored alcohol safety digital trainings.
Zack’s service follows the string of questions he asks of himself and our community: How do we make this event safer? How do we communicate more effectively? How do we ensure everyone is on the same page?
Zack is often willing to go above and beyond. He asks himself “why not me” or “who do I need to form strategic relationships with so there is a better student experience or so student voices can be heard?” Because of this curiosity, he has formed excellent relationships with the Blacksburg Police Department and university administrators.
Last fall, when a fire broke out in a neighborhood of apartment complexes where some of his fellow IFC students lived, Zack was one of the first to the scene. He helped keep university officials informed, sharing key photos and information. He called presidents of chapters who were affected by the fire and assisted in connecting students with resources.
Because of his leadership, other students joined in and helped Blacksburg Fire Department with hauling fire hoses or offering hydration. When Zack asks a question, at the core, it is most often asking how he can make a difference.
For his perpetually asking “How can I help?”, it is my sincere pleasure to present the Aspire! Award for COMMIT TO UNWAVERING CURIOSITY to Zack Feldman.