Sarah Hoch
Let me tell you a story about moving day, August 2020. It is told by a Hokie Helper who witnessed it and by a Hokie Dad who wrote to Virginia Tech President Tim Sands about it.
The new Hokie family – Mom, Dad, and first-year daughter – were attempting to place a mini fridge into a moving bin, when Dad severely cut his hand and began bleeding profusely. The Hokie Helpers working the resource tent assisted them. But one of the staff members (that would be Sarah Hoch) instantly reached out to the VT Rescue Squad, stayed on the phone with them, ran to where they were parked, and led them – stretcher and all – to the tent. Dad had significant blood loss, but was stabilized and transported to the Emergency Room.
Hokie Helpers provided Mom and daughter both physical and emotional support. They generously offered to take the new student’s things to her residence hall so she and her mom could join Dad at the hospital. It was Sarah who led that caravan on wheels. Along with a VT Police officer, Sarah and others worked to unload and neatly place all the items in the daughter’s room for her to unpack later.
In his letter to President Sands, Dad expressed the family’s deep appreciation. He wrote, “Your staff embodied the VT motto of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) by going above and beyond in our crisis. They were positive, professional, and reassuring while providing amazing service during an incredibly stressful and chaotic situation. Their ability to handle the situation is greatly appreciated by my family and gives us confidence that our daughter will be well taken care of during her time at VT.”
Sarah’s nominator said, “Dad rightfully gives credit to the Virginia Tech team, but I watched it all transpire and I know, without a doubt, that it was Sarah Hoch who led the charge. The rest of us simply followed her lead. I was impressed by her composure, servant leadership, and amazing show of Ut Prosim to this new Hokie family.”
When she is not being a hero, Sarah is a junior majoring in Marketing Management and Management Consulting and Analytics. She has served an RA for the past two years, is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and serves on the executive board as archivist, is president of the Finance for Females student organization, and a member of Christ's Church at Virginia Tech.
Sarah said, “Ut Prosim is being intentional in your interactions with others and it's not something you only think of every once in a while; it's something you incorporate into who you are.”
Her advice to others is, “If you always do your best you can never wonder what you could have accomplished if you had tried a little harder.”
Sarah, on that sunny summer move-in day, none of us could have known what a significant difference you would make in the life of a new Hokie family. I am proud to present the Aspire! Award for EMBRACE UT PROSIM AS A WAY OF LIFE to Sarah Hoch.