Justin Miles Perez
“A true leader does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” - Douglas MacArthur
Justin Miles Perez, a junior in the Corps of Cadet and College of Engineering, was drawn to Virginia Tech because of our celebrated motto, Ut Prosim. Inspired by the possibility of creating a more just world, Justin came to Blacksburg to further his education and service others— and, as a squad leader in our Corps of Cadets, he’s done just that. Justin serves as a squad leader in India Company, where he expertly trains underclassmen in the standards and requirements of the Corp of Cadets and mentoring first- and second-year cadets in their academic endeavors.
Justin believes that in order to succeed, we all need to step outside of our comfort zone. In order for us to grow, we have to learn what exists outside of what we already know. In his role as an Undernet Team Leader for the Hume Center for National Security and Technology, where he leads a team of five students in an industry sponsored program, Justin encourages his teammates to be bold and confident in their decisions, and to always, always try something new.
When the annual NSA Cyber Exercise (NCX) expanded to include Senior Military Colleges, Justin was one of the first to join the Corps of Cadets team, immediately assuming a lead role in preparing the team for the April 2020 event. When NCX 2020 was cancelled, Justin shifted his efforts to recruiting and preparing the team for the revamped online event scheduled for April 2021. As the Cyber Team Leader, he has eagerly set a training schedule for his teammates and shares his infectious passion for educating fellow cadets on cyber techniques.
When asked what his greatest strength is, Justin said he has a gift for figuring out how diverse groups of people can work together productively. He has demonstrated this tremendous ability in his various leadership roles, friendships, and academic success.
After graduation, Justin is preparing for a commission in either the US Air Force or the US Space Force as a Cyber Warfare Officer. Until then, Justin plans to continue to find joy in leading others to greatness courageously and confidently, and inspiring himself and others to change the world one decision at a time.
Justin offers this advice to: “Don't wait for opportunity, seek opportunity. At Virginia Tech, there are so many opportunities waiting for you, do not let them pass you by. Seek them, push yourself, and do not be afraid of failure, because every failure is a learning opportunity.”
Justin, for your commitment to leading others and fearless trailblazing, it is my honor to present you with the Aspire! Award for Prepare for a Life of Courageous Leadership.